It is not uncommon to find people talking
negative about themselves and everything associated to them – life,
business, work, relationship, leadership,…This doesn’t come from
nothing, it comes from what they have already visualized. On the
contrary, if you visualize positively, you will talk positively (over
every situation), you will experience positive results! Visualization
(which is the act of creating compelling and vivid pictures in your
mind) is one of the most underutilized success tools you possess to
greatly accelerate the achievement of any success in three powerful
a. visualization activates the creative powers of your subconscious mind
b. visualization focuses your brain by programming its reticular
activating system (RAS) to notice available resources that were always
there but were previously unnoticed
c. visualization magnetizes and attracts to you the resources and opportunities you need to achieve your goal.
Psychologists affirm that, your brain sees no difference whatsoever
between visualizing something and actually doing it! This means that, it
sees it as already done!
When you visualize your goals as already
complete each and every day, it creates a conflict in your subconscious
mind between what you are visualizing and what you currently have. Your
subconscious mind tries to resolve that conflict by turning your current
reality into new, more exciting vision! This conflict when intensified
overtime through your constant visualization, actually causes three
things to happen;
1. It programs your brain’s RAS to start letting into your awareness anything that will help achieve your goals
2. It activates your subconscious mind to create solutions for getting
the goals you want (you will start waking up early in the morning with
new ideas, when taking shower, when driving,…)
3. It creates new levels of motivation (you will start notice you are unexpectedly doing things that take you to the goal).
At any one time, there are about 8million bits of information streaming
into your brain – most of which you cannot attend and you don’t need
them. So, your brain’s RAS filters most of them out, letting into your
awareness only those signals that can help you survive and help you
achieve the goals you have set and constantly visualize and affirm. Also
it lets in anything that matches your beliefs and images about
yourself, others and the world. Please, note that, although the RAS is a
powerful tool, but it can only look for ways to achieve exactly
pictures you give it! When you give your brain specific, colorful and
vividly compelling pictures to manifest – it will seek out and capture
all the information necessary to bring that picture into reality for
you! What pictures do you give your brain every day? Your success or
failures? Hope you know about ‘garbage in garbage out’. It works in the
similar way. If you picture wonderful career, great house, fantastic
spouse (relationship, marriage), fabulous vacations,… it gives you
these! What do you see (picture of) yourself? Now, on top of this
(visualization), start act as if you are already the one you see
yourself! (Great speaker, trainer, coach, author, CEO, wife, husband,
businessman, businesswoman,…). Thinking like, talking like, dressing
like, acting like, feeling like, behaving like,… the person who has
already achieved your goal! This sends powerful command to your
subconscious mind to find creative ways to achieve your goals. It
programs the RAS in your brain to start noting anything that will help
you succeed. Moreover, it sends strong messages to the universe that
this end goal is something you really want.
Who do you want to
become? Who do you see yourself being? A great speaker, trainer,
consultant, author, entrepreneurs, journalist, teacher,
minister/preacher, Dr. professor, MP, CEO, president,…? Who? Wife?
Husband? Visualization helps you to apply BEDOHA principle. BE who you
want to be. Do the actions that go along with being that person. Soon
you will find that you easily Have what you been wanting! Isn’t great?
Of course great! Successful people know about this! As somebody who
wants to succeed in all aspects of your life, visualize always that
success you want to achieve! You are SOMEBODY! God counts on you!