Thursday, February 23, 2017
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There is greatness inside of you
I believe that there is a seed of greatness in all human beings. Therefore the aim of my blog is to bring to my readers awareness of things that are happening around us. I will focus majorly on inspirational news that can motivate my readers to doing more with their lives too. If you are too busy to get acquainted with what is in the newspapers or you have read the papers but have not felt any inspiration or motivation, please log on this page and be inspired to walk in your purpose and dream.
Elimu kwa Umma kuhusu matumizi ya kadi !!!!!
1. Kadi inauzwa kwa shilingi 500 lakini ndani yake tayari tumeshakuwekea nauli ya shilingi 4500. Hivyo utapaswa kutoa shilingi 5000 ili kuipata kadi yako.
2. Ili uweze kujisajili piga *152*22# fuata maelekezo. Muhimu jaza number ya kadi yako, Majina yako, na number ya siri.
3. Ukipoteza kadi yako kuifunga piga *152*22# fuata maekekezo na funga kadi yako.
4. Hata kama mtandao haupo kadi yako bado itakuwa na uwezo wa kufanya kazi.
5. Wanafunzi bado taendelea kutumia ticket wakati mfumo wao wa kadi utakapo kuwa tayari.
Muhimu: Kumbuka kadi yako ikipotea mtu akiiokota anweza kuitumia kama utakuwa hujaifunga. Ni muhimu sana kuifunga pindi unapohisi umeipoteza kwa kuoiga *152*22# halafu fuata maelekezo.
Share na wenzako elimu hii. Tupo kwa ajili ya kukuhudumia.
There is greatness inside of you
I believe that there is a seed of greatness in all human beings. Therefore the aim of my blog is to bring to my readers awareness of things that are happening around us. I will focus majorly on inspirational news that can motivate my readers to doing more with their lives too. If you are too busy to get acquainted with what is in the newspapers or you have read the papers but have not felt any inspiration or motivation, please log on this page and be inspired to walk in your purpose and dream.