GOSPO AWARDS ni tuzo maalum zilizoanzishwa na kampuni ya Gospo Media kwa waimbaji, wanamuziki, na wataarishaji wa muziki wa Injili walioweza kufanya vizuri kupitia tovuti ya gospomedia.com, mitandao ya kijamii, radio na tv kwa mwaka 2016 kutoka Tanzania na Afrika mashariki kwa ujumla.
RSA ni kifupi cha maneno ROAD SAFETY AMBASSADORS ikiwa na maana Mabalozi wa Usalama Barabarani.
Kongamano Kubwa La Vijana na Watoto Mega fest 2016
Damas Anthony Afisa Maendeleo ya jamii
"Ni muhimu sana kwa vijana kuelewa Malengo ya Dunia. Huu ni wakati wao. Kwa kuyaelewa malengo haya inarahisisha utekelezaji wake. Nimefurahi kuona muamko wa vijana waliojitekeza hapa na natumaini watawafikishia wengine ujumbe huu.”
Kongamano Kubwa La Vijana na Watoto Mega fest 2016
Photograph,Video shooting & all Printing works +255756143999, +255658720091, We are located at New Post Office Pamba Road & Nyerere Road, Mza Tz www.facebook.com/abcmwanza,www.youtube.com/abcstudiomwanza
Peniel Medical Missions
We envision seeing a world in which people living in remote and underprivileged communities have access to quality health care so as to trim down health inequalities in the society
I believe that there is a seed of greatness in all human beings. Therefore the aim of my blog is to bring to my readers awareness of things that are happening around us. I will focus majorly on inspirational news that can motivate my readers to doing more with their lives too. If you are too busy to get acquainted with what is in the newspapers or you have read the papers but have not felt any inspiration or motivation, please log on this page and be inspired to walk in your purpose and dream.
Chama cha Kuogelea nchini Tanzania (TSA) kimeteua wachezaji wawili
watakaoshiriki mashindano ya vijana ya Jumuiya ya Madola yaliyopangwa
kufanyika mjini Na...
RSA NI IBADA Mhe. Perreira Silima (NW-MN) 2015
*Mhe. Perreira Silima - Naibu Waziri Mambo ya Ndani na Mwenyekiti wa Baraza
la Taifa la Usalama Barabarani**Mhe. Perreira Silima - Naibu Waziri Mambo
ya N...
Ambassadors Mega Festival - MEGAFEST
*Conference kuubwaa ya vijana *
*(Ambassadors Mega Festival) *
Hii ni zaidi ya kambi zaidi ya mkutano zaidi ya Fiesta na zaidi ya sherehe
Hizi shamrasham...
Sw: Karibuni kwa ununuzi wa picha za kitamaduni ili kukuza Sanaa ya nyumbani, kupitia 0625 927 752 au 0758 576 065, Bei ni nzuri, Asanteni! ******* Eng: Welcome for purchasing different Africultural Arts, as to boost the market of African cultural products via the numbers 0652 927 752 or 0758 576 065. The prices are affordable, Thank you!
ABC Studio Mwanza
Photograph,Video shooting & all Printing works +255756143999, +255658720091, We are located at New Post Office Pamba Road & Nyerere Road, Mza Tz www.facebook.com/abcmwanza,www.youtube.com/abcstudiomwanza
GOSPO AWARDS ni tuzo maalum zilizoanzishwa na kampuni ya Gospo Media kwa waimbaji, wanamuziki, na wataarishaji wa muziki wa Injili walioweza kufanya vizuri kupitia tovuti ya gospomedia.com, mitandao ya kijamii, radio na tv kwa mwaka 2016 kutoka Tanzania na Afrika mashariki kwa ujumla.
RSA ni kifupi cha maneno ROAD SAFETY AMBASSADORS ikiwa na maana Mabalozi wa Usalama Barabarani.
If you make these 3 decisions consciously, you can literally change the course of your life today
Carefully Choose what to Focus on
Figure out, What does this all mean?
What will you do?
3 decisions that will change your life is an article based on
Psychology/behavioral approach so as to provide permanent solution on
your decision making patterns.
There’s nothing worse than a rich person who’s chronically angry or
unhappy. There’s really no excuse for it, yet I see this phenomenon
every day. It results from an extremely unbalanced life, one with too
much expectation and not enough appreciation for what’s there. Without
gratitude and appreciation for what you already have, you’ll never know
true fulfillment. But how do you cultivate balance in life? What’s the
point of achievement if your life has no balance?
1: Carefully Choose what to Focus on.
Successful people have successful habits and one of them is the
ability to FOCUS on things that make them successful. At every moment,
millions of things compete for your attention. You can focus on things
that are happening right here and now or on what you want to create in
the future. Or you can focus on the past.
Where focus goes, energy flows. What you focus on and your pattern
for doing so shapes your entire life.Which area do you tend to focus on
more: what you have or what’s missing from your life?
Rather than focusing on what you don’t have and begrudging those who
are better off than you financially, perhaps you should acknowledge that
you have much to be grateful for and some of it has nothing to do with
money. You can be grateful for your health, family, friends, opportunities and mind.
Developing a habit
of appreciating what you have can create a new level of emotional
well-being and wealth. But the real question is, do you take time to
deeply feel grateful with your mind, body, heart and soul? That’s where
the joy, happiness and fulfillment can be found.
Consider a second pattern of focus that affects the quality of your
life: Do you tend to focus more on what you can control or what you
can’t? If you focus on what you can’t control, you’ll have more stress
in life. You can influence many aspects of your life but you usually
can’t control them.
When you adopt this pattern of focus, your brain has to make another move on among the 3 decisions :
2: Figure out, What does this all mean?
Ultimately, how you feel about your life has nothing to do with the
events in it or with your financial condition or what has (or hasn’t)
happened to you. The quality of your life is controlled by the meaning
you give these things. Most of the time you may be unaware of the effect
of your unconscious mind in assigning meaning to life’s events.
When something happens that disrupts your life (a car accident, a
health issue, a job loss), do you tend to think that this is the end or
the beginning? If someone confronts you, is that person insulting you,
coaching you or truly caring for you? Does a devastating problem mean
that God is punishing you or challenging you? Or is it possible that
this problem is a gift from God?
Your life takes on whatever meaning you give it. With each meaning
comes a unique feeling or emotion and the quality of your life involves
where you live emotionally.
When people shift their habitual focus and meanings, there’s no limit
on what life can become. A change of focus and a shift in meaning can
literally alter someone’s biochemistry in minutes. I’m the living
testimony for this. So take control and always remember: Meaning =
Emotion and Emotion = life. Choose consciously and wisely. Find an
empowering meaning in any event, and wealth in its deepest sense will be
yours today.
Once you create a meaning in your mind, it creates an emotion, and that emotion leads to a state for making your third decision:
3: What will you do?
The actions you take are powerfully shaped by the emotional state
you’re in. If you’re angry, you’re going to behave quite differently
than if you’re feeling playful or outrageous. If you want to shape your
actions, the fastest way is to change what you focus on and shift the
meaning to be something more empowering. Two people who are angry will
behave differently. Some pull back. Others push through.
It’s very useful for you to become aware of your patterns when you
are frustrated, angry or sad or feel lonely. You can’t change your
patterns if you’re not aware of them.
Now that you’re aware of the power of these three decisions, start
looking for role models who are experiencing what you want out of life. I
promise you that those who have passionate relationships have a totally different focus and arrive at totally different meanings for the challenges in relationships than people who are constantly bickering or fighting. It’s not rocket science. If you become aware of the
differences in how people approach these 3 decisions, you’ll have a
pathway to help you create a permanent positive change in any area of
Tanzania’s most renowned motivational speakers, dynamic
personality and highly sought after resource in business and
professional circles for University Students, Small Business Owners,
Non-Profit, Companies, Organizations and Community Leaders from all
sectors of society looking to expand opportunity.
"Ni muhimu sana kwa vijana kuelewa Malengo ya Dunia. Huu ni wakati wao. Kwa kuyaelewa malengo haya inarahisisha utekelezaji wake. Nimefurahi kuona muamko wa vijana waliojitekeza hapa na natumaini watawafikishia wengine ujumbe huu.”
Kongamano Kubwa La Vijana na Watoto Mega fest 2016
Photograph,Video shooting & all Printing works +255756143999, +255658720091, We are located at New Post Office Pamba Road & Nyerere Road, Mza Tz www.facebook.com/abcmwanza,www.youtube.com/abcstudiomwanza
Peniel Medical Missions
We envision seeing a world in which people living in remote and underprivileged communities have access to quality health care so as to trim down health inequalities in the society
I believe that there is a seed of greatness in all human beings. Therefore the aim of my blog is to bring to my readers awareness of things that are happening around us. I will focus majorly on inspirational news that can motivate my readers to doing more with their lives too. If you are too busy to get acquainted with what is in the newspapers or you have read the papers but have not felt any inspiration or motivation, please log on this page and be inspired to walk in your purpose and dream.
Karibu mpendwa mtu wa Mungu, Ujifunze somo zuri kutoka kwa mwl Fred. S.
Mwabulambo, andaa tu moyo wako ili uweze kupokea kitu muda huu unapo soma.
Antony Damassy alikuwa na dreams kubwa sana katika maisha yake. Kwanza
alipenda sana kujitoa kwa jamii bila gharama yoyote, aliwahurumia wanyonge,
na samb...
Sw: Karibuni kwa ununuzi wa picha za kitamaduni ili kukuza Sanaa ya nyumbani, kupitia 0625 927 752 au 0758 576 065, Bei ni nzuri, Asanteni! ******* Eng: Welcome for purchasing different Africultural Arts, as to boost the market of African cultural products via the numbers 0652 927 752 or 0758 576 065. The prices are affordable, Thank you!
ABC Studio Mwanza
Photograph,Video shooting & all Printing works +255756143999, +255658720091, We are located at New Post Office Pamba Road & Nyerere Road, Mza Tz www.facebook.com/abcmwanza,www.youtube.com/abcstudiomwanza