Thursday, February 23, 2017
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There is greatness inside of you
I believe that there is a seed of greatness in all human beings. Therefore the aim of my blog is to bring to my readers awareness of things that are happening around us. I will focus majorly on inspirational news that can motivate my readers to doing more with their lives too. If you are too busy to get acquainted with what is in the newspapers or you have read the papers but have not felt any inspiration or motivation, please log on this page and be inspired to walk in your purpose and dream.
1. Usipoomba unawaimalisha adui zako.
''Ninyi mkikaa ndani yangu, na maneno yangu yakikaa ndani yenu, ombeni mtakalo lote nanyi mtatendewa.-Yohana 15:7'
2. Usipoomba unakaribisha maadui zako kukutesa.
''Ee MUNGU, Mungu wangu, nitakutafuta mapema, Nafsi yangu inakuonea kiu, Mwili wangu wakuonea shauku, Katika nchi kame na uchovu, isiyo na maji.-Zaburi 63:1''
3. Usipoomba maana yake unafurahia kushindwa kwako.
''Na huu ndio ujasiri tulio nao kwake, ya kuwa, tukiomba kitu sawasawa na mapenzi yake, atusikia.-1 Yohana 5:14''
4. Hatima ya maisha yako iko katika maombi yako.
Usipoomba utabaki kufedheheshwa siku zote.
‘’ Mauti na uzima huwa katika uwezo wa ulimi; Na wao waupendao watakula matunda yake.- Mithali 18:21 ‘’
5. Maombi yanaweza kukuwakilisha mahali huwezi kufika kwa njia ya kawaida. Usipoomba hutaweza kufika huko
''Basi atukuzwe yeye awezaye kufanya mambo ya ajabu mno kuliko yote tuyaombayo au tuyawazayo, kwa kadiri ya nguvu itendayo kazi ndani yetu;-Waefeso 3:20''
6. Kama unataka kufanya mabadiliko ya jambo lolote katika maisha yako kwanza ni lazima uombe kubadilishwa kwanza wewe kabla ya kuyapokea mabadiliko hayo unayoyataka. Usipoomba badiliko litachelewa sana kufika.
''Na lo lote tuombalo, twalipokea kwake, kwa kuwa twazishika amri zake, na kuyatenda yapendezayo machoni pake.-1 Yohana 3:22''
7. Usipoomba hutaweza kuwa na macho ya kiroho hata uweze kuwatambua na kuwashinda adui zako.
''Basi na tukikaribie kiti cha neema kwa ujasiri, ili tupewe rehema, na kupata neema ya kutusaidia wakati wa mahitaji.
There is greatness inside of you
I believe that there is a seed of greatness in all human beings. Therefore the aim of my blog is to bring to my readers awareness of things that are happening around us. I will focus majorly on inspirational news that can motivate my readers to doing more with their lives too. If you are too busy to get acquainted with what is in the newspapers or you have read the papers but have not felt any inspiration or motivation, please log on this page and be inspired to walk in your purpose and dream.