If you are anything
like me, as you enter this new (2017) year, you have already planned
what to accomplish (successfully). It could be one of your goals is to
buy a new vehicle, build another house, add another degree, visit
All these are fine! But do you have any plan for your personal
growth in this year? Is that plan clear to you? Is it one of your
priorities for 2017? Having gone through rigorous personal growth last
(2016) year, as part of wishing you all the best in this year, I
strongly suggest that as you get into this year make personal growth a
priority! How do you do it? There are many ways and one of which is
READING books! If you read books last year, read more seriously this
year! Real seriously!
When it comes to reading many do not know
exactly what to read or don’t find appropriate books they can read to
help them grow. As a result they either don’t read at all or read
anything that do not add value to their personal growth. Now, just to
help you, below is a list of some (40) books I am suggesting that you
read this year! I have read some of them and they have been useful to my
personal growth. I hope they will be useful to you as well!
Here is the list:
1. Bible
2. Think and Grow Rich (Napoleon Hill)
3. The Success Principles (Jack Canfield)
4. The Magic of Thinking Big (David J. Schwartz)
5. Principles and Power of Vision (Dr. Myles Munroe)
6. Understand Your Potential (Dr. Myles Munroe)
7. Maximizing your Potential (Dr. Myles Munroe)
8. Releasing Your Potential: Exposing the Hidden You (Dr. Myles Munroe)
9. Principles and Benefits of Change (Dr. Myles Munroe)
10. Uncover Your Potential (Dr. Myles Munroe)
11. Unleash Your Purpose (Dr. Myles Munroe)
12. Power of Vision (George Barna)
13. The Impossible is Possible (John Mason)
14. The Power of Positive Thinking (Norman Vincent Peale)
15. Outliers-The Story of Success (Malcom Gladwell)
16. Getting Things Done (David Allen)
17. How To Win Friends and Influence People (Dale Carnegie)
18. Awaken the Giant Within (Tony Robbins)
19. The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari (Robin Sharma)
20. The Alchemist ( Paul Coelho)
21. The Now Habit (Neil Fiore)
22. Be All What You Can Be (Dr. John Maxwell)
23. Put Your Dream to the Test (Dr. John Maxwell)
24. Invaluable Laws of Growth (Dr. John Maxwell)
25. Change Your Question, Change Your Life (Marilee Adams)
26. Goals – Achieving Everything You Want (Brian Tracy)
27. Good to Great (Jim Collins)
28. You Have Greatness Within You (Les Brown)
29. Magic Of Believing (Claude Bristol)
30. Miracle of Self Discipline (Brian Tracy)
31. Power of Habit (Brain Tracy)
32. Power of Self Talk (Brain Tracy)
33. The Seat of The Soul (Gary Zukav)
34. The Tipping Point (Malcom Gladwell)
35. The Genius Within You (Stephen Martile)
36. Unstoppable Confidence (Kent Sayre)
37. Visualize and Attract (Patric Chan)
38. The Power of Full engagement (Tony Schwartz)
39. As You Think (James Allen)
40. 177 Mental Toughness Secrets of The World Class (Steve Seibold).
A big list just for one year? It could be! But at-least you can afford
to read 12 books out of these. This will dramatically separate you from
average people! Successful people read 52 books a year! May be you are
starting developing the habit of reading; just 12 books will make a huge
difference in your life! If you want to improve you can read more this
year! Any price to pay? Yes! Time! Highest level of discipline (you need
to sacrifice…)! Money to buy/access them! ….But any investment toward
this is worth making! You will never regret for it!
In addition to
reading these books, I suggest also you watch “The Secret” full movie. I
am very sure that by doing this, by the end of this year you are
talking something else! This will get you out of everybody to somebody!
You are SOMEBODY! God counts on you!
Crediti to
Nou'el Kihoza |