Thursday, February 23, 2017
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There is greatness inside of you
I believe that there is a seed of greatness in all human beings. Therefore the aim of my blog is to bring to my readers awareness of things that are happening around us. I will focus majorly on inspirational news that can motivate my readers to doing more with their lives too. If you are too busy to get acquainted with what is in the newspapers or you have read the papers but have not felt any inspiration or motivation, please log on this page and be inspired to walk in your purpose and dream.
TAREHE- 18-20/08/2016
MAHALI: Ukumbi wa Welfare ( Kitanzini karibu na ofisi ya Mtendaji wa kijiji wa Kitanzini)
MUDA: 2 Asubuhi- 9 Mchana
Katika kupambana na umasikini *Mh Mkuu wa wilaya ya IRINGA Mh. Richard Kasesela ameandaa mafunzo ya ujasiriamali kwa wakazi wa Iringa,
mafunzo yatakayo tolewa ni pamoja na mafunzo ya utengenezaji batiki, vikoi, sabuni za maji, dawa za usafi wa choo, vyakula vya mifugo, kilimo cha uyoga kwa njia ya kisasa, ufugaji, utengenezaji wa keki, crips za viazi, tomato sause, visheti na vingine vingi
Usikose nafasi hii adimu na ya kihistoria.
Mafunzo haya yatafanyika katika ukumbi wa *wellfare( olofea)* siku ya tarehe 18, 19 na ishirini ya mwezi huu kuanzia saa mbili asubuhi hadi saa tisa
Nenda kajiandishie na ujipatie tiketi ya kuingilia katika ofisi ya mtendaji wa kata ya kitanzini.. Mafunzo haya ni bure kwa wakazi wa iringa, wahi mapema kabla nafasi hazija jaa
Imetolewa na
Mhe. Richard kasesela*
*Mkuu wa Wilaya*
There is greatness inside of you
I believe that there is a seed of greatness in all human beings. Therefore the aim of my blog is to bring to my readers awareness of things that are happening around us. I will focus majorly on inspirational news that can motivate my readers to doing more with their lives too. If you are too busy to get acquainted with what is in the newspapers or you have read the papers but have not felt any inspiration or motivation, please log on this page and be inspired to walk in your purpose and dream.