Thursday, February 23, 2017
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There is greatness inside of you
I believe that there is a seed of greatness in all human beings. Therefore the aim of my blog is to bring to my readers awareness of things that are happening around us. I will focus majorly on inspirational news that can motivate my readers to doing more with their lives too. If you are too busy to get acquainted with what is in the newspapers or you have read the papers but have not felt any inspiration or motivation, please log on this page and be inspired to walk in your purpose and dream.
Mke wangu mtarajiwa, najua uko sehemu salama na ukivuta muda na jamaa mwingine kabla hatujaoana. Lakini kabla sijakuweka ndani Ninayo machache ya kukueleza _______________________
1. My future wife, Jiandae kuwa mother material wala sio mom material.. usipaniki!!! .. ntakuelewesha nachomaanisha, Mke wangu mpendwa mmeo, ntakuwa father wala sio daddy kwa watoto wetu, usishangae nitawalea watoto wetu katika malezi ya tamaduni za kiafrika zaidi, hivyo kwa hilo ntakuwa conservative. Ningependa kukuona
ukiwa mother wala sio mom ukawalea watoto kwa tamaduni za kigeni.
2. My future wife, ntakuoa kutokana na uzuri wa asili uliojaaliwa na Mungu, hivyo bhas usitarajie kupata wasaa wa kujipachika kope na kucha za bandia wala mawigi (nywele za marehemu).
3. My future wife, huko uliko ni vyema ukaanza kujifunza kuendesha biashara na kusimamia, mmeo siamini katika kuajiriwa Bali kujiajiri.
4. My future wife Siku tutakayokula kiapo kanisani, tutafanywa kuwa mwili mmoja, hivyo bhasi nisingependa tuje kutenganishwa na password kwenye simu zetu (no passwords).
5. My future wife, madhehebu yote hukiri kuwa MUNGU ni mmoja tu, hivyo bhasi nisingependa kukushuhudia ukihama madhehebu mbalimbali kutafuta ukombozi kwa MUNGU yuleyule.
MY FUTURE WIFE, msalimie sana huyo mnayevuta nae muda kwa kwenda $amaki $amaki, Nyama Choma na Fiesta, mie ntakupeleka kanisani na kukuweka ndani
There is greatness inside of you
I believe that there is a seed of greatness in all human beings. Therefore the aim of my blog is to bring to my readers awareness of things that are happening around us. I will focus majorly on inspirational news that can motivate my readers to doing more with their lives too. If you are too busy to get acquainted with what is in the newspapers or you have read the papers but have not felt any inspiration or motivation, please log on this page and be inspired to walk in your purpose and dream.